Stalking His Claim Read online

Page 8

  Where is that man, anyway? I head back down the hallway toward his office. It’s where he spends most of his time when he’s home. I’ll be changing that soon. That man works too much. He needs to relax more. Enjoy his life a little bit. Maybe even go on a vacation. But I’ll ease him toward that. I don’t think it will take much. We’re in love. Everything else should be easy.

  “It’s not what you think.” I stop walking when I hear Reed’s voice. Who is he talking to? I peek around the door to see he has his phone pressed to his ear. He’s pacing back and forth. He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. “I am keeping her safe.”

  I can’t hear the responses of the person that he’s talking to, but I can see the worried look on Reed’s face. His whole body is tense. My stomach knots.

  “Sir, I assure you that I haven’t taken advantage of her. I would never do that to her. She asked me to help her, John, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.”

  My nails dig into the trim on the door. The pain I feel from his words almost has my knees buckling. He’d do anything to help me. I’m not sure why I’m so hurt. Isn’t that what I asked him to do? To help me get over what had happened to me? To chase my fears away? Too bad my biggest fear of all is him not being mine.

  I don’t want him to be mine out of some warped need to protect me. He doesn’t really want me. He may love me but not in the way I love him. I can’t even be mad at him. He did exactly what I asked him to do. But I thought things had changed in the mix of everything. That he saw me in a new light. Not the little girl who needs protecting. I guess I’ll always be that to him.

  I step back, not wanting to hear anymore. My eyes burn with tears. My stomach turns. I have to get out of here. I can’t let him see me like this. It would make him feel horrible. It’s not his fault. I grab my bag by the front door before hitting the button for the elevator. I call Carly. Thank God she is finally here.

  I put my hand to my mouth as I step onto the elevator, knowing everything is about to change. I could stay. Keep him. He’d be mine physically, but I’ll never own the part of him I want more than anything else. I bet he would even marry me. Give me everything I could ever ask for. But you can’t ask someone to love you. Not in this way.

  He’ll always see me as the girl scared of her own shadow. Maybe I am. Or maybe I put myself out there knowing I could fall. And now I have.

  My finger hovers over the button. I don’t want to leave, but I have no choice. I have to leave for him too. He’s always trying to do right by me. Now it’s my turn to do right by him. To set him free. To relieve him of this need he has to protect me.

  “Tinsley. Babe.” I hear him call me. I push the button. He rounds the corner. His eyes lock with mine as the door starts to close. His whole face changes. He knows I’m leaving. Really leaving. “Tinsley!” He runs towards me. The doors close on him. The whole elevator shakes when I hear him pound on the doors before it starts to descend.

  I take deep breaths as the nausea eats at me. I wipe the tears from my eyes when the doors finally open. I make myself move, knowing I have to get space between him and me. I’m not strong enough. If he gets ahold of me I’d crack. I’d beg him to keep me, knowing he would. I can’t let that happen. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us.


  I look up, seeing James standing there. He gives me one of his easy smiles.

  “Hey, James.” I give him a forced smile and keep walking. I start to feel dizzy. I pull my phone out and text Carly.

  Change of plans.



  I push the button hard. I don’t care if it doesn't make the elevator come up faster, it still feels good. Rage courses through me as I stare at the dent I put in the door of the elevator. She left. Why?

  I search my mind wondering what the fuck just changed. When I saw her I knew immediately that something was different. It was written all over her pretty face. Pain. I want to fix whatever has caused it. I close my eyes, trying to get myself under control, not understanding the rage.

  Flashes of her being under me and smiling up at me flood my mind. Her arms wrapped tightly around me as though I was her everything. There was nothing but love in her eyes. How did it all disappear so quickly? She must have found out about all the things I’ve done. What a sick fuck I am. That my love for her borders on obsession. That I keep taking and taking because I’ll never get enough of her. I know I won’t ever be able to stop. She must know it now too. The thought of her being scared of me slices through me. I’ve done the one thing that I’ve tried to protect her from all of these years. Hurt her.

  She was right in one aspect, though. There is no stopping me. It makes her running pointless. It is too late. The door opens and I step on the elevator, pulling my phone out from my pocket. I fire off a text. I have no one here to follow her. She is out there and I don’t have eyes on her. My phone vibrates in my hand when the doors open, setting me free to search the city for my girl. I’ll tear it down until I find her.

  James: I’m following her.

  Before I can call him he’s already shared his location with me.

  Me: Don’t lose her.

  James: I have a work meeting in ten so I’ll follow her for a few more minutes.

  I’m going to fucking murder him. He answers before it rings.

  “I’m fucking with you.”

  “It’s not the time, asshole.”

  “You’re a mean bastard for someone who needs my help.” I grit my teeth, hating that I need anyone’s help. I do everything myself. This is how you know things get done.

  “Thank you,” I grit out as I hop into my car.

  “I thought sex would loosen you up.”


  “Who is this she’s meeting?” I know it’s not a man. I know it. Still doesn’t stop all the fucked-up thoughts that enter my mind. I push harder on the gas. “Cute girl. The one she’s meeting with, not Tinsley, so don’t break my nose when you get here.”

  Carly. I’ve met her a few times before. Tinsley was happy she moved here so I was happy. The girl being here was another reason for Tinsley to stay. Another excuse for her to plant some roots here. I’d hoped to convince her that I was reason enough, but I’ll take all the help I can get. As long as it guarantees that she stays.

  I hear him exit his car. He doesn’t say any more comments to piss me off. He’s either getting that I’m on edge or there is something he doesn't want to tell me.

  “What’s happening now?”

  “I’m in the store. Hold on.” The seconds tick by as I speed through traffic.

  “Sorry.” I hear a girl's voice.

  “Is that yours?” James asks the person. What the fuck is he doing?

  “It’s in my hand, isn't it, big guy?” The woman laughs.

  “Are you fucking hitting on someone?” I almost roar into the phone. If he loses Tinsley I’ll kill him, cousin or not.

  “James. Did you follow me?” I hear my girl now. I don’t listen. I toss my phone into the seat as I throw my car into park, not caring that I double-parked, blocking part of the road. I run into the drug store. I hear someone shout at me. I ignore it. I ignore everything. The only thing that matters is getting to my girl.

  When Tinsley sees me, her eyes go wide. Her eyes are red and I know she’s been crying. I go for her, but Carly steps in front of me. The bubbly girl that is always smiling and laughing looks like she’d put a knife right in my gut right now, then give me a smile afterwards.

  “Come here, sweetheart. When you’re pregnant it’s not wise to stand in front of wild animals.” James say as he grabs Carly’s arm, pulling her to him, for once trying to temper my mood.

  “Reed.” She says my name. A hitch in her voice.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “This is serious. I think Reed just apologized for something.”

  I want to break James' nose, but that would require me to look away from
Tinsley. A mistake I won’t be making again. Unless she’s cuffed to me. Then I know she can’t try and slip away again.

  “You don’t have to be sorry.” She gives me the saddest fucking smile.

  “I’ll always be sorry if you cry.” I take another step toward her.

  “I know. Because you're a good man.”

  James snorts. I swear I’m going to murder him later.

  “I’m not a good man, Tinsley.” It is the truth. I’ve spent most of my life digging myself deeper into her without her ever knowing. Keeping her close.

  “You are.” Still that sad fucking smile.

  “You think you’re leaving me?” It is time for the truth.

  “It’s for the best.”

  “You’re not leaving me.” I stand in front of her. I’m not going anywhere and neither is she.

  “Is there a problem here?” I hear someone ask. I don’t look.

  “Reed.” She lets out a soft sigh. She makes the mistake of stepping closer to me.

  “Tinsley. Can you do something for me?”

  “I can try.” Even hurting, she is still willing to try and do something for me when I’m the one who put that hurt there.

  “Just remember what you said.”

  “What I said?”

  I grab her, pulling her into me. “That I wasn't a bad man.”



  My heart pounds as he pulls me out of the store, his hand wrapped tightly around my wrist.

  When he touches me, everything always feels better. That’s the way it’s been since we were young. I feel loved and protected. I know he would never let anything bad happen to me if he was near. That he would protect me even if it were detrimental to himself. The same way he always has.

  Being in his arms is the one thing I want most in the world, but I know I can no longer be selfish. Not with someone who has been selfless to me. I have to set him free because he’ll never do it out of some weird obligation he feels to protect me.

  Everyone thinks Reed is stoic. A ruthless businessman that always gets what he wants. Things are always black and white to him. All of those things are true. When Reed sets his sights on something, there is no stopping him or changing his mind. Sometime long ago he’d made it his mission to be my protector. In doing so he’s going to throw away the chance of finding someone he can love in all ways. That isn't something I want to take from him. Not with knowing how it feels to have found that kind of love myself.

  “Tinsley.” I look up at the sound of his deep voice as we come to a stop next to his car. Those beautiful eyes stare into mine. I hear someone shout telling Reed to move his car. He opens the door. “In.”

  I jump, having never heard that tone from him outside of the bedroom. Oh, I’ve heard him bark at people, but this is different. I get in the car. He slams the door behind me, making the whole thing shake. He gets into the driver's seat.

  “Reed.” I say his name softly as he pulls out.

  “Don’t speak.” I jerk my head over to look at him. His jaw is set in a hard line. I lick my lips, not sure why he’s so mad. I know now is not the time, but the tone of his voice is turning me on.

  “Reed.” I try again. He makes a sharp turn down a side street, pulling off to the side. He turns the car off.

  “I said don’t speak.” There are so many things on the tip of my tongue, but I hold them in. Instead I do exactly as he asked. I have no idea why he is this mad, but my body seems to respond to it. His hands are gripped so hard on the steering wheel his knuckles are turning white. “Are you scared of me?”

  “No.” My response is instant. I can tell he’s pissed. Actually I think we’re past pissed at this point. “I’ll never be afraid of you.”

  “You should be.” He finally looks over at me.

  “Are you trying to scare me?” His mouth parts, but he doesn't say anything. “It’s not going to work.” He glances around the outside of the car. I’m not sure what he’s looking for.

  “Do I want to scare you? No, sweetheart. I never want to scare you. In fact, I try real fucking hard to not scare you.” His hand comes down on my thigh as he pulls my legs apart. “To hide things from you.” What would he hide from me? His hands drifts up my leg, dipping into my pants. “Like right now.” He stares into my eyes. “I want to pull you across the console, pull your pants down and spank your fucking ass for leaving the house without panties on. It pisses me the fuck off.” I swallow.

  “Okay.” His hand cups my sex. There is no way he can't feel that his words are turning me on. He closes his eyes and groans.

  “Still not scared?”

  “No.” I breathe, wiggling in my seat.

  “I have you followed. I always know where you are.” I whimper. “I have to know. It’s a sick obsession of mine.” He leans over close to me as his finger starts to part my folds. It clicks together then. The man in the department store comes to mind. He was a bodyguard. “It hasn't been since you came here either.” My mouth parts as another piece slides into place. The woman who saved me from Conner Smithfield.

  She’d come out of nowhere. Conner had me cornered in the girls’ locker room. He’d been on me for weeks about going to prom with him. He didn't like being turned down. His hand had wrapped around my throat as he tried to pull on my clothes. I had tried to scream but he had placed his other hand over my mouth. Before I knew what was happening, a woman came out of nowhere and handled him. It all happened so quickly that I never had the chance to thank her. I’ve thought for so long the woman was an angel or something. Sent to protect me. She had been. But she was sent by Reed.

  “Why?” I whimper when his finger finds my clit. “Because you think you have to protect me?”

  “No.” He leans in more. “Because you’re mine.” His mouth takes mine as my heart nearly comes out of my chest at the possessive growl in his words. I am his. I grab a hold of his shirt as he takes his kiss. He pushes two fingers inside of me. His palm rubs against my clit as he takes the orgasm from me the same way he did the kiss.

  In fact, he can take everything from me. I’ll let him have it. It belongs to him. It has from the moment I met him. I cling to him as the pleasure explodes throughout my body, leaving me breathless. I fall back into my seat and he slowly pulls his fingers out from inside of me. I watch as he licks his fingers clean before dropping back into his own seat.

  “You don’t get to leave me.” He reaches down, adjusting his cock in his pants before putting the car back into drive. “Ever. I won’t let you.” He looks over at me and I can tell from the look in his eyes he means what he’s saying. His words are like balm to my soul.

  “Because you’ll come after me.” My body starts to heat all over again. It’s not a question. I can tell from the look in his eyes he will. My pants are still wet from my last orgasm.

  “Every fucking time,” he responds before pulling back onto the road to take us home. “Scared yet?”

  I am a lot of things right now. Scared is not one of them. I bite the inside of my lip knowing one thing for certain. Reed is more than in love with me. I think he’s obsessed with me too.



  I feel like I can breathe again. I finally snapped. She finally pushed me to the point of no return when it came to making her mine. The minute she tried to leave me pushed me over the edge. My first thought had been that she must have found out the things I’d done over the years. That she’d been turned off by the obsession that I have with her. One that should have me inside of a jail cell. But when I found her and told her the things I’d been doing, surprise showed on her pretty face. She had no idea.

  I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of why she’d run. I want to push, but first I need her back at home. I’ll be able to focus once I know she’s back where she belongs. I’ve already had to pull over to touch her. To calm myself down. It didn’t really help, but it took the edge off. I felt her pussy grow wetter with every word I said. She enjoyed hearing the thi
ngs I’ve done to keep her close to me. The things I thought would turn her off had done the exact opposite. Instead of pushing me away, she’d spread her thighs wider for me to get at her cunt.

  When I pull up to my building, I find myself barking another order at her to keep her ass still. I get out of the car, coming around to open the door for her. I don’t miss how her little ass wiggles in the seat at my words. She enjoys my bossy side. I open the door for her, taking her hand to lead her inside. I hold her hand tight in mine. The feel of it comforts me the same way it always has. It calms me in a way that nothing else can.

  “I’m not going to run, Reed.” She lets out a small giggle that goes straight to my dick. I pull her onto the elevator with me. The doors barely close and I’m on her again. I can’t stop now. I lift her, pushing her up against the wall. Our mouths meet in a frenzy, both of us starved for one another. I press my cock against her, needing to feel her heat. I can feel how wet she is for me through her pants. She rubs herself against me, trying to get the friction she needs.

  “Reed.” She breaks our kiss. She’s practically panting in need. “I need more.” I am going to give it to her.

  “You’ll wait until my cock is inside you to come.” She whimpers. I want nothing more than to make her come again, but I need to be inside her when I do it. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before you leave the house without panties on.” I step back, letting her slide down my body. The elevator dings, letting us know we’ve arrived on our floor.

  “So you’re punishing me?” I can tell she’s turned on by the thought. I kiss her without answering her. Then I pull back, straightening her clothes before we get off the elevator. No one should be here right now, but you can never be too sure. I never want anyone seeing her like this. I grab her hand, leading her inside.